API: notifications

Notifications are comments that can be added to an order. Use it if you need to track some changes on an order or anything related with the order that you don't want to forget.

Notifications can also be sent to your customers automatically.

GET /orders/{token}/notifications

This method returns the list of notifications belonging to the order.

Resource URL

GET https://app.snipcart.com/api/orders/{token}/notifications


Name Value Required? Description
Accept application/json Yes Our API only accepts application/json content type, so you must always specify Accept: application/json header in each request you make.


Name Required? Type Description
limit No int The maximum number of items returned by the request. Default value is 20.
offset No int The number of items that will be skipped. Default value is 0.

Example request

curl -H "Accept: application/json" \
  https://app.snipcart.com/api/orders/{token}/notifications?limit=10&offset=0 |
  -u {API_KEY}:

Example response

  "totalItems": 3,
  "offset": 0,
  "limit": 10,
  "items": [
      "id": "0c3ac0bb-a94a-45c5-a4d8-a7934a7f180a",
      "creationDate": "2017-07-09T14:59:57.987Z",
      "type": "Comment",
      "deliveryMethod": "None",
      "body": "",
      "message": "Test"
      "id": "8a52d2c5-acbe-478d-8e96-06fbd6755efe",
      "creationDate": "2017-07-09T14:38:39.227Z",
      "type": "Comment",
      "deliveryMethod": "Email",
      "body": "Email body will appear here...",
      "message": "Test",
      "subject": "Information regarding your order SNIP4962 on Snipcart.",
      "sentOn": "2017-07-09T14:38:39.947Z"
      "id": "e013a0d8-dbc2-45dc-85e5-900c0ce55da7",
      "creationDate": "2017-06-07T19:09:29Z",
      "type": "Invoice",
      "deliveryMethod": "Email",
      "body": "Invoice HTML will appear here...",
      "subject": "Order SNIP4962 on Snipcart",
      "sentOn": "2017-06-07T19:09:31.933Z"

POST /orders/{token}/notifications

This method creates a new notification on the specified order. Depending on the deliveryMethod value this notification can be sent to the customer or kept private for internal usage.

Resource URL

POST https://app.snipcart.com/api/orders/{token}/notifications


Name Value Required? Description
Accept application/json Yes Our API only accepts application/json content type, so you must always specify Accept: application/json header in each request you make.
Content-Type application/json Yes The request body needs to be JSON so we specify the content type.


Name Required? Type Description
type Yes enum The type of notification, can be: Comment, OrderStatusChanged, OrderShipped, TrackingNumber or Invoice. Use Comment if you want to send some information to your customer, the other types will generate automatic emails.
deliveryMethod Yes enum Can be Email if you want the notification to be sent by email or None to keep it private.
message Depends* string The message of the notification. *Optional when used with type of TrackingNumber

Example request

curl https://app.snipcart.com/api/orders/{token}/notifications
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -u {API_KEY}: \
  - d "{message: 'This is a test', type: 'Comment', deliveryMethod: 'Email'}"

Example response

  "id": "bff8418c-1ed2-4ba1-8b40-2a8bbf7dfadc",
  "creationDate": "2017-07-09T15:04:27.0970346Z",
  "type": "Comment",
  "deliveryMethod": "Email",
  "body": "The Email body will appear here...",
  "message": "This is a notification test",
  "subject": "Information regarding your order SNIP4962 on Snipcart.",
  "sentOn": "2017-07-09T15:04:27.4909269Z"

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